Prawo sportowe 16.08.2023

[Sports law] Sports law & global economy: Millions in investments in Saudi football - Saudi Pro League: how do transfers of players in Saudi Arabia work?

[Sports law] Are you wondering where this trend of football development in Saudi Arabia comes from? | Commentary on investments in #SaudiProLeague in the field of sports law and business aspects

[Sports law] We are delighted to announce that European Business Magazine (link below) published  an article on law, sports, and economics in the context of investing in the Pro Saudi League written by Mr. Bartosz Armknecht - CEO of our law firm and lawyer - who is specialized in sports law and business law.sports law sports law poland

Sports law & global economy: Millions in investments in Saudi football - Saudi Pro League: how do transfers of players in Saudi Arabia work?

Recently, we have witnessed spectacular transfers to clubs from the Saudi Pro League. Who among us has not heard of top football players contracted by Al-Hilal Saudi Club, Al-Nassr Saudi Club, Al-Ittihad Club, or Abha Football Club?

The development of sports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia raises several interesting questions:

  • what are the motivations behind investing in Saudi football?
  • do the authorities and clubs in Saudi Arabia implement any strategy?
  • what is hidden under #VisitSaudi?
  • what connects Leo Messi, Ruben Neves and Czeslaw Michniewicz?
  • what is sportswashing and is there something wrong with it?
  • how is the sports market regulated in Saudi Arabia - does Saudi Arabic sports law exist and how is the financing of sports in this country?
  • what is the role of the Saudi Ministry of Sport and the Saudi Arabian Football Federation (SAFF) in the development of football in Saudi Arabia?
  • what are the circumstances of concluding sports contracts, especially football contracts with Saudi Pro League clubs?

You can find answers to some of these questions in the article: SPORTS LAW & THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: Millions in investments in Saudi football – Saudi Pro League: how do transfers of players in Saudi Arabia work?

[Sports law] Sports law & global economy: Millions in investments in Saudi Pro League: how works market of football players transfers in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

[Sports law] Sports law & global economy: Millions in investments in Saudi football - Saudi Pro League: how do transfers of players in Saudi Arabia work?


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[Prawo w biznesie] Czy agent powinien zwrócić prowizję w każdym wypadku niewykonania umowy?

Agent ubezpieczeniowy to osoba, która w ramach prowadzonego przez siebie przedsiębiorstwa pośredniczy pomiędzy ubezpieczycielem a osobami ubezpieczającymi się od zdarzeń losowych. Za pośrednictwo agentowi przysługuje wynagrodzenie, zwane prowizją. Jeśli jednak zawarta z udziałem agenta umowa ubezpieczenia nie zostanie wykonana, na skutek rezygnacji ubezpieczającego, agent co do zasady zobowiązany jest do zwrotu otrzymanej już prowizji. Część klientów w wyniku problemów finansowych, spowodowanych pandemią COVID-19, zrezygnowała z ubezpieczeń, co spowodowało, że po stronie agentów pojawił się problem. Zostali oni wezwani przez ubezpieczycieli do zwrotu pobranych wcześniej prowizji w wysokości nawet do kilkudziesięciu tysięcy złotych.

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